Few tips for a healthy nice good relationship

A healthy happy relationship is not easy to have and nor it is too difficult. Just put in little effort and there you go, You have best of times. Its responsibility of both the partners to work upon it. If there is effort from only side, things will never workout. If someone doesn't appreciate your efforts, your love, your care doesn't mean that you back off. If you truly love them, try till the end. Trust me your efforts will be appreciated if not the same day but one day for sure.

Being a part of fairer sex community, I always have few things which I want my partner to understand which I would like every guy/boyfriend or husband should understand:

1) When your girl is sick or she suffers from PMS, she is not interested in listening to your anger or that she doesn't take care of herself and all BS. All she wants that time is your care, your concern, your love. Send her texts that you'll be fine, you are strong and that you love her the most. Send her or bring her chocolates, give her a good soothing massage or just talk to her. It can heal all her pains in seconds.

2) If you don't like something about her, change slowly, tell her indirectly and not directly that you are fat and get in shape for instant. You can always think of better ways to let her know about the things she needs to change. Don't make her feel unwanted, insignificant. Trust me, if you really want to change something about her, do it with love. Love has all the power to change.

Loads more tips and ways coming up.

Stay Connected!!


anusia said…
Thanks for this post. But God has blessing us and we have a perfect relationship. Thank to God for this.

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