exclusive breastfeeding journey

I wrote this post to encourage a mom when my daughter was 3.5 months. Today she is nearing 2 years and I am so proud to breastfeed her till now even after having my share of all the taunts around. I totally understand for those just have a medical condition of not able to feed the baby but if everything is just normal with you then please don't choose formula or for that matter animal milk to your baby please at least till 1 year. 

I have a 3.5 month old little daughter too. I had my journey started with formula too. In hospital, at home, I had my shares of downs,fights too because of formula issue with my mother in law, till today, whenever she holds my baby girl, first thing she will say to her is "tumhara pet to bharta Nahi hoga with your mumma's milk" I have started to ignore everything she says regarding it. People say and will keep saying to give formula to the babies, everyone wants those chubby cheeks baby like ads, ask them what kind of baby they had, somehow they forget their own journey of raising their kids. Instead of being the most supportive in this same journey they make it difficult for us. Don't give up, be strong to ebf your little one. Show them lots of videos available on YouTube on ebf advantage for both baby and mama. Take them to your paediatrician or lactational specialists, and get them counseling done too. No doubt it makes your life easier to give baby formula and bottle but if you can take all the pain of 40 weeks to have baby in your tummy and decide to raise her healthy then why going back on the very step of feeding. Give your baby the strong immunity foundation, it will stay with her for life. Save money from buying these overly priced formulas in market. More than weight increase, you want your baby to be healthy and achieving all her milestones. 
I know if I can do it, then for sure you can do it too


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