Fell in love all over again..

"You may not be married to a person, but you are sometimes 'more married' than a marriage can ever provide. It is with one person that you lead a life, raise kids, and build a family, but it is in the arms of your soul-mate that you want to breathe your last..."

Sometimes such thoughts makes you feel more attracted to your partners and your loved ones. Isn't it?? You fell in love all over again with the same man.. Same happened to me today, from last couple of months I decided completely to give away my writing, specially poems due to someone, It had been very difficult to restrain myself from writing, I used to write memos in my phone and then deleted them. Today, all of a sudden I just realized that this is one of worst decision, if someone doesn't like what do I do, doesn't mean I'll stop doing that, specially when I know is not wrong and doesn't harm anyone, but does good to me only. If they cannot appreciate or notice what I do and don't is their problem and not mine.. So here I am back, on my blog with all the fun, poems, articles, thoughts, love, sharing, caring, etc. etc.
Yes, I'm in love with myself all over again... I recently clicked few pics of mine, and I am so so love them..

Aren't they lovely?? lol.. ya I'm self-obsessed sometimes.. I love being pampered and flattered. I like it when someone genuinely appreciates me,and I love it when it is done by that someone special in your life. You feel automatically more beautiful from inside, you blush and so it is visible on the face, the glow you have all together is different and gorgeous.

LoVe tO @ll


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