
Showing posts from 2014

Helpless Love

From whole day today only thing which is going on In my mind is that why love can make us feel so helpless. Why do we give that one person so much importance in our life that he can make us cry anytime he wants... Why he starts taking us for granted. Why always softer side of us just loose all our controls in front of them. Our knees get so weak that we loose our balance in life. Love is the reason and love is the question of it. Why love is so strong that it can hurt us.. Why love is so weak that it can make us feel helpless. Why can't men realize that what they say and don't say makes a huge difference in our lives.. Why can't they take initiatives to tell that loving someone is just not saying I love you once and live life. You need to assure that love is still there.. Love was always there and love will always be there. All men at the end of the think alike. The guy for whom I don't have any feelings love wise is ready to do anything for me to take me in his life...